We are getting to know our way around pretty good now and I don't feel too bad when I get a bit lost. The locals probably wonder who the heck these white folk are, but they'll nod and grin, as I try out my three words of Indonesian:
Pagi- good morning
Apa kabar- how are you
Bail, Baik- good, good
and Sing Ken Ken- no worries
Bali Cowboy
Temple Princess
New Zealand cows
Bali cows
Today while walking home from a late lunch we saw a mother hen in front of a Dolce and Gabbana store on a busy, busy street, gathering up her flock of chicks and trucking off down the back alley. Loreen loves the excitement of the back alleys!
Everywhere we go there are offerings to the spirits - morning, noon and night you see people putting out offerings. In temples and trees, on the sidewalks, in front of homes and stores. These are offerings to the good spirits and the demons and for good luck. The ones for the good spirits are up high and the ones to demons on the ground. They are little baskets made of banana leaves and have flowers, rice, crackers and other edibles. The dogs eat a lot of the demons offerings, but the philosophy is the spirits partake spiritually as soon as the offering is set down so the good is gone before before Mr dog gets there. I was quite startled as I watched a lady walk out into the middle of a fairly busy intersection and place three or four baskets on the white line, I thought boy they do bring good luck, as it was the first time I actually saw any vehicles come to a full stop. Some baskets have cigarettes and at the big temple we went quite a few had little bottles of arak, the local brew. Maybe that's why the preist was sleeping?
Offering to the demons
There are gas stations here, but have not been to one yet. The main mode of selling fuel seems to be from little racks in front of little hole in the wall establishments in Absolute Vodka bottles at 5,000 rupiah per bottle. That's about $0.50Cdn/liter. Makes one wonder, when we pay a buck a liter. A twenty minute taxi ride costs $20 and here a ride is an average of a couple of bucks. Doesn't quite compute.
Absolut Petrol
Meals for two average about $20, with appetizer and beer. About the only thing that is as expensive as home is wine. I got my hair cut today - cost me $4.50, I felt so generous I left a fifty cent tip.
Keenan arrived at midnight on the 14th or 15th, whichever, and we spent yesterday wandering around in new parts of the tourist areas in Legian, which is part of the Kuta-Seminyak area tourist/beach scene here. Although this beach is full dress, apparently there were some ladies here yesterday that were topless, at least that is what Loreen and Keenan told me. I didn't notice!
Loreen, Sucita, Keenan
Keenan had a fish cleaning of her feet and legs where you put your feet in a little tank and100's of little fish nibble the dead skin away. That northern Canadian skin must be good as there was a an Aussie girl using the same tank and the fish just attacked Keenan. This middle ages Indonesian man kept hanging around and he asked Loreen if Keenan was married, she said "yes", and then sidled up to me and said "Poppa, I like your daughter". He didn't offer any cows or chickens, so I was not tempted:o)
We had Indonesian Mexican last night, no different than at home, except for price. $22.60 for two appys, three drinks and three mains.
Other than the topless ladies, that I didn't notice, we had a pretty quiet day. We will go exploring inland tomorrow.
Until later...
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