We took the train from Tokaj, again the lady in the ticket booth, was very understanding and managed to get us on to the right platform, off to Miskolc to find car transport to Lillafured. Taxis in Hungary are very corrupt, so we have read and been told, so the recommendation is to phone one of a limited number of accredited companies. I thought oh boy this is not going to be easy. I called the number, got a nice Hungarian answer, not a clue of what the lady said, asked if she spoke English, she said a little bit, moments later had a taxi on the way, with the number on the side and away we went. Her English was very good.
Miskolc is a medium sized city and we drove through a lot of it on the way to Lillafured, as with most countries, this is where one sees the not so pretty stuff.
We mostly drove through the outskirts of Miskolc and what a sad place. Blocks and blocks of Soviet built housing, just oblong grey concrete structures two apartments wide and anywhere from six to twelve long. Each apartment consists of a kitchen/dining area, a small sitting room, two small bedrooms and a bath. Some of these have been taken over by private companies and these are at least getting a stucco cover up and outside painting.
Hungary is a country that is still struggling to get out from Soviet times and have a government that does not always put people and infrastructure needs as a priority. All education must be paid for including primary school and average wage is about $1000cad per month, take home after taxes about $750.
Lillafured is small mountain village and resort area in the Bukk Mountains, which although the Bukk Mountains are the highest in Hungary, they only reach a height of 1000 meters. The village and the hotels are all older.
It has waterfalls, thermal springs, a small village and only about four hotels, so touristy, but not overdone. The rock is extremely porous and they have discovered many caves here with cave bear bones, hand axes and other cave man tools. Perhaps the setting for Clan of the Cave Bear!

The hotel we stayed at is built like a castle. In fact it looks from the outside similar to Banff Springs Hotel and even the drive way up is similar. When the hotel was built in 1930 as a state property it became the favourite residence for high society guests. In WWII it was converted to a military hospital for healing wounded Russian soldiers. It didn't suffer much damage during the war but the hospital status and thefts led to irreparable damage to the furnishings. Then it was taken over by the National Council of Trade Unions and was a recreation house for 40 years where people with a special holiday voucher could spend their holidays. This further contributed to its decline and alterations just served the purpose of accommodating as many people as possible cheaply. After communism in 1992 the hotel was given back to the Hungarian govt and now managed by a private company.

In all the small villages we were surprised by the number of root cellars or storage areas in the back yards of the homes.
It is an eye opener to travel in a country that has had 50 plus years of oppression, first by the Nazis and then the Soviets. We really do not have much right to complain about things back home in retrospect.
On to Eger, the Hungarian red wine area famous for its Bikaver, Bulls Blood, wines. This is where some 200 Hungarians held a much larger Turkish army from entering Hungary in the first Turkish attack. The Hungarian commander used the local wine to fortify his troops and the Turks said he was feeding them Bulls Blood, hence the Bulls Blood name associated with Eger Bikaver wine.
We hired a taxi to take us back to the train station in Miskolc where we would catch the train to Eger. But I seen a road sign that said Eger so hired him to take the mountain pass road over. He was so excited to have a much bigger fare that he left Lillafured with an empty tank of fuel. It was a bit nerve racking as well as humorous as I watched him put on his reading glasses quite often to look at the fuel gauge and shift into neutral on every down slope. I never said anything as I did not want to alarm Loreen or put pressure on the driver. When we were within 10 kilometres of Eger he patted the car on the dash and said good car now we make it. Loreen, like I, was also watching him and the gauge but did not say anything. One can always find some excitement and be entertained around the world if you just go with the flow.
There is a whole area of wine cellars very close to the town and all close together so you just walk around and decide which cellars you want to go into and taste. We strolled the area and there were 48 cellars in one small half moon street.
We did not try them all just a few that were recommended. These cellars are all carved into the porous rock of the area and were originally built to provide safe hiding areas for the locals when under attack from outside armies. The cellar area is called the Valley of the Beautiful Women and was named this after the war with the Turks and the wives of the Hungarian soldiers helped fight off the Turkish army dumping boiling pitch and oil on them.
The Hotel in Eger was built as a family town house in 1717 and is much the same now as it was then. It was nationalized also but was given to the city of Eger after independence. The city upgraded the rooms, modernized the bath rooms and added a courtyard restaurant. It is managed and run by a family that just can not do enough for their guests. They have filled the place with antiques of all ages, have a vast array of different types of art and serve sumptuous meals. The place felt more like a bed and breakfast to us than a hotel.
We were in Eger on St Martins Day, which is the day that the celebration of getting the harvest in takes place. It is also the day when goose is the flavour of the day, goose soup, goose liver soup, goose of all kinds. So I had the goose special at our little restaurant.
Back to Budapest for a day prior to flying home. While we were out touring in the countryside the Budapest Christmas market opened so we spent the morning wandering around the market taking in the sites. The market consists of a lot of venders selling their own pottery, baked goods, clothing as well the manufactured goods you find at large markets and trade shows. Smack dab in the middle of the markets was a great food area where the venders had set up large outdoor kitchens and were serving up lots of food, cabbage rolls, sausages and numerous pork dishes.

Then back up the Danube to the Parliament Buildings were there is a memorial to the Jewish Victims that were killed by the Hungarian Nazi supporters during WWII. The victims were lined up on the bank of the Danube and then shot. To save ammunition they were fastened together and then only the number needed to pull the other into the river were shot, the rest drowned. The memorial is made of shoes depicting the ages, sex and walk of life of the victims.